Saturday, March 20, 2010

Aunties, haircuts and stiff upper lips

Today is a rather strange day.

For a start, I'm doing a class which is normally a Monday to Friday thing, so I'm feeling a bit lost - it's either Friday again or it's Monday...

Secondly, it's my new daughter's one month Chinese big do.  This is a big deal to the Chinese, and I'm not entirely sure why as no one has given me an explanation that satisfies me other than her hair just has to be all shaved off because 'that's her birth hair and we want new hair to grow through'.  This is weird to me.  Have any of you seen a baby with all it's hair shaved off?  Especially after you've got used to your little baby looking a particular way?  My daughter looks like a girl now - but after she's bald?

Frankly, and I don't mean this in a nasty way, I just don't get all the little things the Chinese just have to do.  Every little event becomes a major cultural tradition and just has to be maintained to preserve Chinese culture and ways.  As if Chinese culture is under threat!  Last time I checked, there are quite a few Chinese around and I didn't see any danger of their culture disappearing.  But hey, my wife's Chinese and so I go along with some of these things.  I just can't explain them to my parents who are even more mystified about the importance of old traditions than I am.

I will be there with smiles on today without a doubt, but I must admit I do get annoyed when some 'Auntie' believes so incredibly strongly that if we don't follow her instructions on things all hell will break loose.  The amount of energy spent trying to generate 'good luck' and 'prosperity' is substantial.  I find it all rather unnecessary, and I suspect my wife does too but we just grin and bear it to keep the boat on an even keel because these 'Aunties' are a rather unstable lot as a group and are liable to break down into screaming fits if we don't do something on an auspicious day or at the right time or without an '8' in it...

I guess I'll just have to indulge in a beer or two and keep out of their way to make sure I don't get a good ear-bashing from the harried wife later.  Stiff upper lip and all that soldier.


  1. Face it, you're going to get the ear-bashing anyway. Haha.

    The whole shaving-of-the-head thing is done by Malays too. And the aunties are also there, though instead of trying to bring on good luck, their advice is all about warding off evil spirits/Satan/whatever.

    And don't even get me started on the crazy advice they all give regarding infant jaundice (give the baby lots of water; don't dress the baby in yellow, etc.).

  2. Good for you. Probably it wasn't the first time you gotta witness that right? And yes, for me Chinese rituals are seriously under threat (as most of them are kinda unnecessary and ultra-superstitious) So um.. sometimes we'll just have to say nothing and see it done. AHAHHAHA!
